Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Cute Rankmaniac Bunny

rankmaniac 2012
Adorable Rankmaniac Bunny :)
Sweet like a rankmaniac :)

Super Bowl Hype Gone.

rankmaniac 2012
Super Bowl doesn't last like Rankmaniacs
The google search for "Super Bowl"... only half of these are football.  By the way, rankmaniac 2012 is almost over!

Be Mine Google Image Search. Be Mine.

rank maniac 2012
To Rankmaniac 2012:

Squirrels suck


Squirrel, squirrel, on the wall
Who's the cutest one of all?

Though my digits you may bite,
When I try to be polite.

Offer up my hand to shake,
Finger meat, you're quick to take.

Squirrel, you are quick to turn
My bliss into a throbbing burn.

Weathering these stinging pains,
Rabies coursing through my veins,

I look upon this oozing gash,
Thoughts so livid, hateful, rash.

Now I think of turning you
Into tasty squirrel stew.

You see the malice in my eye,
Stay no more - you're sure to die.

Scamper off, you quick take flight
Out of reach and out of sight.

Leave me nurse my bitter scar.
Sinister, you watch afar.

Squirrel, squirrel, on the wall
Who's the cruelest one of all?

Shy Walrus :)

rankmaniac 2012
Shy Walrus... not like a rank maniac
Lol.  Cute Walrus.