Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Google vs. Bing

Rankmaniac 2012 Google
Rankmaniac 2012 Bing
After a day with the Super Bowl picture we are already doing pretty well on Google (yaaay!  we're the the 4th picture!), but have yet to make an appearance on the image search of Bing.  As a matter of fact, the image search for "rankmaniac 2012" on Bing returns only two results - the Carnegie Mellon and Caltech logos.

So as I usually do when I don't know something, I googled "how does bing work".  While I have yet to dig through all of the results, the top Google hit, a blog about SEOs, explained how to get a higher rank on Bing the best.  Apparently, Bing puts more emphasis on the domain age (older = better) and on links from pages with the keyword in the main tag.  In other words, it looks like we need to more research on how to get ranked on Bing image search.  (Bryan, get on that.)

1 comment:

  1. http://www.bing.com/community/site_blogs/b/webmaster/archive/2009/09/03/search-engine-optimization-for-bing.aspx
